A Privacy és a Cookiek Utáni Világ

How to Create PPC Campaigns in Compliance with Data Protection Regulations?


Our goal in this article is to show you how to plan and execute effective PPC campaigns under stricter data protection regulations. Privacy is becoming increasingly important in the world of digital marketing, and it's important for advertisers to stay up-to-date on regulations to avoid penalties and retain the trust of their customers.


Data protection regulations, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act), as well as the elimination of third-party cookies, present new challenges to the digital marketing specialists. In recent years, the protection of consumer data and respect for privacy have become increasingly important, which is also reflected by the tightening of regulations.


The biggest challenge is that while advertisers must comply with data protection regulations, a effectiveness of campaigns must also be maintained. Data protection compliance can often seem complicated and time-consuming, especially when new regulations come into effect. However, the appropriate strategies by using it, it is possible to comply with data protection while optimizing the performance of our campaigns.

A Privacy és a Cookiek Utáni Világ

Overview of Data Protection Regulations

GDPR and CCPA Basics

In the digital world, data protection is becoming increasingly important, and two key regulations that reflect this are the GDPR and the CCPA.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): The purpose of the regulation introduced by the European Union in 2018 is to strengthen and standardize data protection rights for EU citizens. The GDPR strictly regulates how personal data can be collected, stored and used. All businesses that handle the data of European citizens must comply with this regulation, regardless of where they are based.

CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act): California's data protection law, which took effect in 2020, has similar goals to GDPR, but is more specific to the US. The CCPA gives California residents rights such as access to their information, request deletion of their information, and prevent the sale of their personal information.

Effects on PPC Campaigns: These regulations strictly limit how we can handle users' data during PPC campaigns. When collecting, storing and using data, we must ensure that all our activities comply with these regulations. For example, we may only collect data that users have consented to, and we must provide them with an opportunity to withdraw that consent at any time.

Removal of Third Party Cookies

Why is this change happening? Third-party cookies are used to increase data protection and user security. Third-party cookies allow advertisers to track users' online activities, often without the users' knowledge. Such practices have increasingly come under criticism as infringing on privacy.

Effects on Advertisers and Users:

  • Advertisers: The elimination of third-party cookies brings significant changes in the field of targeted advertising. Advertisers must find new ways to target and understand user habits. The importance of first-party data increases because it comes directly from users and is data collected with their consent.
  • Users: For users, this change will increase their privacy, as there will be fewer opportunities to track them without their knowledge. However, this may also mean that they will see fewer relevant ads, as it will be harder for advertisers to target them precisely.
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Privacy Aspects and PPC Campaigns

User Consent

How can we ensure user consent? One of the basic requirements of data protection regulations is obtaining user consent for the collection and use of data. In order to obtain consent, we must provide users with clear and transparent information about what data we collect, how we use it, and to whom we share it.

  • Pop-ups: The most common method is the use of pop-ups in which users can consent to the collection of data. These pop-ups should be designed to be easy to understand and simple to use.
  • Explicit Consent: In some cases, explicit consent may be required, meaning that users must take an active action (for example, by ticking a box) to consent to data collection.

Opt-in mechanisms and the importance of transparency:

  • Opt-in Mechanisms: Using opt-in mechanisms is key. This means that users must actively consent to the collection of their data, rather than being automatically opted-in.
  • Transparency: Transparency is not only a legal requirement, but also the basis for building trust. We must communicate clearly and comprehensibly with users what data we collect, why we collect it and how we use it.

Data minimization

What is data minimization and why is it important? Data minimization means that we only collect and store as much data as is absolutely necessary to achieve the desired goal. This reduces the risks of handling data and increases the data protection of users.

Practices for reducing the amount of data and handling it securely:

  • Data Selection: We only collect the data that is really necessary to achieve the goals of the campaign. For example, if we want to perform demographic targeting, it may be sufficient to collect only age and gender.
  • Anonymization: During anonymization, the data is modified so that it cannot be traced back to individual users. This increases the level of data protection and reduces risks.
  • Data security: The secure storage and handling of data is of fundamental importance. It must be ensured that only authorized persons have access to the data, and we protect the data against unauthorized access with appropriate technical measures.
A Privacy és a Cookiek Utáni Világ

Alternative Solutions to Third Party Cookies

First Party Data

Why is first party data important? First-party data is the information that you collect directly from users, such as the data of your website visitors, customers and newsletter subscribers. The importance of first-party data is gaining more and more emphasis with the increase in data protection and user trust. Because this data comes directly from users, it gives advertisers more control and reduces the risk of breaching privacy regulations.

How can we collect and use first-party data effectively?

  • Registration forms and subscriptions: Offer valuable content or discounts in exchange for users' data. It is important that the data collection process is transparent and voluntary.
  • Website analytics: Use it analytical tools that allow you to collect detailed information about visitor behavior and preferences.
  • Customer relations: Build close relationships with customers and ask them directly about their interests and preferences. This is personalized marketing basis may.

Contextual Advertising

What is contextual ad and how does it work? Contextual advertising is a form of targeted advertising that bases the display of ads on the content of the website, rather than on the previous browsing habits of users. This means that the ads will be relevant to what you are viewing content point of view.

Advantages and disadvantages compared to third-party cookies:

  • Advantages:
    • Data protection: Because contextual ads do not track users across multiple websites, they comply with stricter privacy regulations.
    • Relevance: Ads will be relevant to users because they are related to the content they are viewing.
  • Disadvantages:
    • Aiming Accuracy: Contextual ads do not offer the same in-depth targeting capabilities as third-party cookies.
    • Efficiency: Sometimes, contextual ads can be less effective at identifying user intent.

Cohort Based Targeting (FLoC)

THE Google presentation of FLoC technology introduced by: FLoC (Federated Learning of Cohorts) is a technology developed by Google that organizes users into groups (cohorts) based on similar browsing behavior without identifying individuals. This allows us to display targeted ads without accessing users' individual data.

How can it be used in PPC campaigns?

  • Cohort-based targeting: Advertisers can target specific cohorts that are likely to be interested in specific products or services.
  • Data protection: FLoC technology increases privacy by hiding individual user data while enabling targeted advertising.
A Privacy és a Cookiek Utáni Világ

Optimizing PPC Campaigns in Compliance with Data Protection Regulations

Advertising Creatives and Messages

How to create data protection-friendly advertising creatives and messages? Designing advertising creatives and messages during consideration data protection regulations must be taken to avoid unauthorized use of users' data. The following methods can help with this:

  • Transparency and Honesty: Advertising messages should be transparent and clear. It is important that users know exactly what to expect when they click on an ad.
  • Data protection statements: Use short and easy-to-understand privacy statements in your ads. This increases user confidence and helps comply with legal regulations.
  • Security and privacy symbols: Use visual cues, such as lock icons, to symbolize data security, so users feel the ad is trustworthy.

Examples and best practices:

  • Relevant content: Ads should be relevant and valuable to the target audience. For example, if an ad promotes a new product, provide detailed information and helpful tips.
  • Testing and Optimization: Continually test and optimize ad creatives with A/B testing to find out which messages and formats work best.

Targeting and Segmentation

Developing privacy-friendly targeting strategies:

  • First party data: Use first-party data when targeting. This data comes directly from users and provides greater security from a privacy perspective.
  • Similar targeting models: Use lookalike audiences, which create new target groups based on the characteristics of your existing customers.

Application of alternative segmentation methods:

  • Based on demographics and interests: Segment by demographics and interests. This enables the targeted display of relevant advertisements.
  • Contextual targeting: Use contextual targeting, where ads are related to the content the user is viewing.

Measurement and Analysis

Appropriate measurement and analysis methods from a data protection point of view:

  • Use of anonymized data: Use anonymized data in your campaigns to analyze its performance. This increases data protection and reduces the risk of user identification.
  • Privacy-first analytics tools: Use analytics tools that specifically prioritize data protection, such as Matomo or Plausible.

Examples and best practices:

  • Data visualization: Use data visualization tools to visualize campaign performance. This helps in easier analysis and in decision making.
  • Data segmentation: Segment your data into different groups to better understand which strategies work best.
A Privacy és a Cookiek Utáni Világ

Practical Examples and Case Studies

Successful PPC Campaigns in a Data Protection Environment

To better understand how to run effective PPC campaigns while complying with data protection regulations, let's look at some real-world examples of successful campaigns. These case studies show how best practices can be applied to balance data protection and efficiency.

1. Case Study: Airbnb - Contextual Targeting After eliminating third-party cookies, Airbnb switched to contextual targeting to increase the effectiveness of its advertising campaigns. Instead of relying on users' previous browsing data, the content of the ads was adapted to the context of the specific website where the ads appeared.

  • Results: Airbnb's campaigns saw significant increases in click-through rates (CTRs) and users were more likely to book because the ads were relevant to the content they were viewing.
  • Lessons learned: Contextual ads can be effective in increasing relevance and complying with data protection regulations.

Case Study 2: Procter & Gamble - Use of First Party Data Procter & Gamble (P&G) has placed a significant emphasis on the collection and use of first-party data. The company used its own customer database for targeted advertising and used various opt-in mechanisms during data collection.

  • Results: With the help of first-party data, P&G improved the effectiveness of campaigns, as they were able to more precisely target relevant consumer groups. The campaigns conversion rate increased significantly.
  • Lessons learned: The collection and use of first-party data increases targeting accuracy and ensures compliance with data protection regulations.

Case Study 3: The New York Times - Privacy-First Analytics The New York Times set an example in the sector by introducing data protection-friendly measurement and analysis methods. The news portal used tools such as privacy-first analytics to analyze user behavior without violating privacy regulations.

  • Results: The New York Times' campaigns provided more accurate insights into user behavior while respecting users' privacy rights. Based on the results of the analyses, they refined their advertising strategies.
  • Lessons learned: The use of appropriate analysis tools from a data protection point of view enables in-depth analyzes without violating the rights of users.

Case Study 4: Apple – Cohort-Based Targeting Apple used cohort-based targeting to comply with privacy regulations. The company displayed targeted ads based on user groups (cohorts) without identifying individuals.

  • Results: Apple's campaigns have been successful in serving relevant ads to user groups while preserving user anonymity.
  • Lessons learned: Cohort-based targeting can be an effective way to display targeted ads while complying with data protection regulations.
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Future Prospects and Innovations

The Future of Data Protection in PPC

Data protection is constantly changing and evolving, which has a big impact on PPC campaigns. Advertisers must constantly adapt to new regulations and technological changes to comply with data protection regulations while running effective campaigns.

In what direction is data protection moving and how can advertisers adapt to it?

  • Escalating Regulation: The tightening of data protection laws is expected, especially through the introduction of new data protection laws and the tightening of existing regulations. Advertisers must proactively follow these changes and incorporate them into their strategies.
  • Greater Transparency and Contribution: Users increasingly expect transparency and opt-in options. Advertisers must communicate the purpose and method of data collection in a clear and understandable manner.
  • Enhanced Confidence Building: Data protection compliance is not only a legal obligation, but also the basis for building consumer trust. Advertisers must use privacy practices that help build trust and loyalty.

New Technologies and Solutions

What new technologies can help optimize PPC campaigns from a privacy perspective?

  • Machine Learning and AI: AI and machine learning can help you target ads more precisely and optimize campaigns without the need for personal data. AI-based solutions are capable of large amounts data to analyze and identify the best targeting strategies.
  • Federated Learning: It is a new data protection technology that allows machine learning models to be trained together without the data ever leaving its original device. This reduces privacy risks and improves model accuracy.
  • Privacy-first Analytics: Tools such as Plausible or Matomo are becoming increasingly popular as they ensure the anonymity of user data and comply with data protection regulations.

Innovations and trends in digital marketing:

  • Zero-party Data: Zero-party data is information that users voluntarily share with brands, such as preferences, feedback, and other direct interactions. This data is especially valuable because it comes directly from users and enjoys greater trust.
  • Voice Search Optimization: As voice search becomes more popular, advertisers need to adapt to this trend. Optimizing voice search offers new opportunities for targeted advertising.
  • Interactive Ads: Interactive ads, such as Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) ads, can increase engagement and user experience while meeting privacy expectations.
A Privacy és a Cookiek Utáni Világ


In the course of the article, we examined how to plan and implement effective PPC campaigns while complying with stricter data protection regulations. We highlighted the following main points:

  • Overview of Data Protection Regulations: Basic requirements of GDPR and CCPA and their impact on PPC campaigns. Deduction of third-party cookies and its consequences.
  • Privacy Aspects and PPC Campaigns: The importance of obtaining user consent, using opt-in mechanisms and following the principles of data minimization.
  • Alternative Solutions to Third Party Cookies: Introducing first-party data, contextual advertising, and cohort-based targeting (FLoC).
  • Optimizing PPC Campaigns in Compliance with Data Protection Regulations: Appropriate advertising from a data protection point of view creating creatives, developing targeting and segmentation strategies, and applying measurement and analysis methods.
  • Practical Examples and Case Studies: Presentation of successful PPC campaigns in a data protection environment and their lessons learned.
  • Future Prospects and Innovations: The future of privacy in PPC and new technologies and solutions that can help optimize campaigns for privacy.

Finding the balance between compliance and effectiveness is key to successful PPC campaigns. Compliance with data protection regulations is not only a legal obligation, but also the basis for increasing consumer confidence and ensuring long-term business success.

If you are interested in the latest trends in digital marketing and practical advice for implementing data protection-friendly PPC campaigns, read on and follow our blog! Learn from best practices, apply the strategies presented in this article, and take the necessary steps to ensure privacy and efficiency.

Don't hesitate to ask questions or share your own experiences in the comment section. Together, we can shape the digital marketing of the future, where data protection and innovation go hand in hand.

A Privacy és a Cookiek Utáni Világ

Sources and References

Recommended reading and tools

Optimizing digital marketing and PPC campaigns from a data protection point of view is a complex task that requires continuous learning and adaptation. Below are some suggested reading and tools to help you stay up-to-date and effectively apply best practices.

1. Readings and studies:

  • "GDPR for Marketers" - eBook: This eBook explains in detail how to plan and execute marketing campaigns in accordance with GDPR requirements. Link to the book.
  • "The Future of Digital Marketing and Privacy" - Study: This paper reviews future trends in digital marketing and the role of data protection. Read more here.
  • "Privacy and Personalization in the Age of AI" - Article: The article analyzes how to conduct personalized marketing while respecting data protection. More details here.

2. Case studies:

  • Airbnb Contextual Advertising Case Study: This case study shows how Airbnb implemented contextual targeting after third-party cookies were phased out.
  • Procter & Gamble First-Party Data Strategy: P&G's case study highlights how they collected and used first-party data in their PPC campaigns.
  • New York Times Privacy-First Analytics: This case study demonstrates the New York Times' privacy-compliant measurement and analysis methods.

3. Tools:

  • Matomo Analytics: A privacy-friendly analytics tool that helps keep user data anonymous.
  • Plausible Analytics: An easy-to-use and privacy-friendly analytics platform that complies with privacy regulations. Get to know Plausible.
  • Google Consent Mode: Google's tool to manage user consent and optimize data collection.
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