What is zero-click search?
Zero-click search is a search result where the user gets all the information they need without clicking on any of the results. This information is displayed by Google directly on the search results page. Examples include Featured Snippets, Knowledge Panels, or Google Quick information provided by a map. The goal is to provide users with immediate, relevant answers without leaving the search page.
Growth of zero-click searches
THE zero-click searches has increased dramatically in recent years. According to a 2020 SparkToro study, more than 65% of Google searches were zero-click searches, meaning users didn’t click on any additional links because they got the information they needed right away. Since then, that percentage has only increased, especially on mobile, where the need for quick answers is even greater.
The most popular zero-click searches in Hungary include basic information such as weather (“weather Budapest”), currency rates (“EUR-HUF”) or opening hours (“Tesco opening hours”). Google almost always provides a direct answer to these searches, reducing the number of clicks to further results.
A problem for websites
The rise of zero-click searches poses serious challenges for website owners. While visibility increases as Google displays their content, the number of actual clicks may decrease. This can be especially problematic for websites that derive a large portion of their revenue from visitors.
For example, a travel agency that provides information about popular destinations can easily lose potential customers if Google displays the content of the website as a featured snippet, but the user does not click through. Therefore, achieving a zero position is a kind of double-edged sword: it can increase brand visibility, but if you do not apply the right strategy, it can reduce the number of page visits.
Solution? Transform your content strategy. You need to create content that not only informs, but also motivates the user to visit your site for more details. For example, you can increase clicks with calls to action like “Read more about the best things to do in Budapest.”
The impact of zero-click searches on SEO strategies
THE SEO It’s crucial to optimize your page for position zero. Tools like using structured data (Schema Markup) can help Google better understand your page’s content, increasing its chances of appearing as a featured snippet. However, it’s also essential to maximize longer content and user experience.
Types of zero-click searches and their impact
Zero results generated by Google
Zero-sum results are information automatically highlighted by Google that provides immediate answers to users' searches. These include:
- Featured Snippets: These results are from search results They appear at the top of the page and provide concise, to-the-point information. For example, a “What’s search engine optimization?” Google returns a short definition and a link to the source. These results help users get answers quickly, but they often reduce the number of clicks.
- Knowledge Panel: These appear in sidebars and provide comprehensive information about celebrities, companies, or locations, for example. As a Hungarian example, when searching for “Saint Stephen’s Basilica,” the knowledge panel displays opening hours, address, and other important information.
- Direct Answers: Simple answers, such as "how many degrees is it in Budapest today?", which Google displays directly in the search results, without directing you to any page.
The role of local searches
Local searches, especially Google Maps and Google My Business (GMB) profiles, have become a top priority among search results. For example, when searching for “best pizzeria in Budapest,” Google provides a map view that instantly shows the best-rated places, along with opening hours and contact information.
- The advantage of local businesses: THE local SEO Strengthening your GMB profile allows smaller businesses to stand out in search results. According to a domestic study, 601% of Hungarian businesses experienced a significant increase in traffic after optimizing their GMB profile.
Change in user behavior
Zero-click searches have transformed user behavior. People are increasingly looking for quick and immediate answers, especially on mobile. According to a 2022 Statista study, in 70% of mobile searches, users do not click on additional links, but are satisfied with the information provided by Google.
Impact on conversions: While zero-sum results can increase visibility, they can reduce direct conversions for many businesses. For example, an e-commerce site can lose customers if product information is already available in search results. That's why it's important to content Encourage further interaction, for example with exclusive offers or unique information.
Strategic approaches to getting to zero
a) Content optimization for Featured Snippets
- Creating structured content: The content should be in a question-and-answer format, concise and to the point. For example, a “What is SEO?”, give a short definition and then expand on the topic in detail. Also, use lists, tables, and simple definitions that can help Google’s algorithms highlight your content.
- Keyword research for zero-click searches: Use tools like Answer the Public or SEMrush to identify relevant, long-tail, and question-type keywords, such as “How does SEO?” These keywords will help you optimize your content.
- Formulating precise, concise answers: Answer the search query at the beginning of your content, then expand on the topic in the rest of your text. This can help your content appear as a featured snippet.
b) Using structured data (Schema Markup)
- What is structured data?: Structured data, such as JSON-LD, helps Google better understand the content of your website. The data must be embedded in a structured format within your website code to appear correctly in search results.
- Common types: Some of the most commonly used structured data include FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions), How-To (Guides) and Local Business (Local Businesses). For example, a Hungarian restaurant You can use the Local Business schema to display opening hours and reviews.
c) Local SEO and Google My Business optimization
- Providing fresh and relevant information: Make sure Make sure your Google My Business profile is always up to date. Upload an accurate address, opening hours, photos, and update the information regularly.
- Manage ratings and responses: Collect positive reviews and respond to all feedback. An active presence will improve the visibility of your GMB profile.
d) Mobile-friendly website and fast loading
- Frequency of zero-click searches on mobile: Fast loading times and user-friendly design are especially important for mobile searches. Google Core The Importance of Web Vitals plays a key role in this.
- Responsive design: Make sure your page displays properly on all devices, improving the user experience.
How do you measure the success of the zeroth place?
CTR (click-through rate) and viewability analysis
Your primary tool for measuring the success of position zero should be Google Search Console. This free tool helps you track which keywords your page appears for and what CTR (click-through rate) it achieves for them.
- How to use it?
- Open Search Console and navigate to the “Performance” section.
- Analyze impressions and clicks for the most frequently used keywords.
- If your CTR is low but your impressions are high, your content may not be compelling enough to get clicks. In this case, you may want to rework your meta descriptions or the content's primary message.
Organic value of zero-click content
Position zero isn’t just about clicks, it’s also about organic branding and credibility. When your page content appears as a featured snippet on Google, it increases your page’s credibility, even if the user doesn’t click through.
- Brand building: Users often consider information in the zeroth position to be more credible than results in lower positions.
- Advantages: According to a study, pages that appear in Featured Snippets are 60% more likely to remain in users' memories.
Tips for measuring and repairing
- Use UTM parameters: If your page is being clicked from position zero, you can use UTM parameters to track incoming traffic in Google Analytics.
- Compare the data before and after the zeroth place.: See how traffic and engagement changed after your page was ranked zero.
- Continuously updating keyword research: Using Answer The Public or SEMrush will help you identify new question-based keywords that may be relevant to getting a zero position.
Conversion tracking
Position zero doesn't necessarily generate direct clicks, but if your content encourages action (e.g., "Learn more!", "Visit our site!"), then it's worth tracking the number of conversions. This can happen:
- Using Google Tag Manager: You can measure clicks as unique events.
- With heat map analysis: Use tools like Hotjar to see how visitors behave from site zero.
Examples and case studies
Successful zero-point strategies in Hungary
Getting to zero is not only a theoretical possibility, but many domestic businesses are successfully applying this strategy. Here are some examples:
- The story of a domestic web store: An article titled “How to choose a laptop?” from a popular Hungarian e-commerce site appears as Featured Snippets on Google. The article was based on keyword research, providing concise, well-structured answers to the question, while users clicked through to the page for more in-depth information.
- Tourism and hospitality: A rural wellness hotel optimized its Google My Business profile and used structured data to showcase its services. As a result, the hotel ranked zero in the map results for the search “wellness weekend Hungary.”
- Local businesses: A pizzeria in Budapest ranked zero for the keyword “best pizzeria in Budapest,” highlighting its reviews and opening hours.
What should you pay attention to when it comes to the characteristics of the Hungarian language?
The complexity of the Hungarian language poses special challenges in SEO, especially when it comes to achieving a zero-ranking position.
- Grammar difficulties: Hungarian is a suffix-based language, meaning that there can be multiple variations of the same keyword (e.g. “search engine optimization”, “with search engine optimization”). Therefore, identifying and optimizing the different forms is key.
- Question forms: Longer question forms often appear in the Hungarian language ("How does search engine optimization work?"), so special attention should be paid to these when creating content.
- The importance of local content: Creating content that is relevant to the Hungarian audience is essential. Use local examples, statistics, and references to make your content more authentic.
Tips for success
- Use SEO tools specialized for the Hungarian language: For example, Keyword Tool and Google Search Console can help you identify unique keywords.
- Test different content formats: Try FAQ-style content, which can easily appear in position zero.
- Structured data localization: In the case of the Local Business schema, don't forget to provide accurate Hungarian addresses and opening hours.
Advantages and disadvantages of zero-click searches
Zero-click searches offer many benefits in terms of visibility, but they also create significant challenges.
- Growing brand building: The zero position helps strengthen brand credibility, as users view featured content as a trusted source.
- Providing quick answers: Users get instant information, which improves the user experience.
- Right local SEO results: Local businesses can gain greater visibility, especially through Google Maps results.
- Declining click-through rate (CTR): Users often don't click through to a website if they can find all the information on the search page.
- Less direct conversion: It can be challenging for businesses to convert site zero traffic into actual purchases or customers.
What impact does it have on the traffic of Hungarian websites?
In Hungary, Google dominates a significant portion of organic traffic, and the emergence of zero-site sites directly influences this. According to a 2023 survey, 701% of Hungarian users obtain basic information, such as weather, opening hours, or exchange rates, from zero-site sites. This trend is especially noticeable in mobile searches.
Példa: Egy budapesti étterem a „legjobb étterem Budapest” kulcsszóra jelent meg nulladik helyen, ami a láthatóságát 50%-kal növelte. Ugyanakkor a közvetlen forgalom csak 15%-kal emelkedett, mert a felhasználók az értékeléseket már a Google Térképen elérték.
Kulcspontok a láthatóság növeléséhez
- Featured Snippets optimalizáció: Hozz létre tömör, informatív tartalmakat, amelyek gyors válaszokat adnak a felhasználói kérdésekre.
- Strukturált adatok alkalmazása: Használj JSON-LD formátumú mikroadatokat, hogy a Google jobban értelmezze az oldalad tartalmát.
- Local SEO strategies: Optimalizáld a Google My Business profilodat, és rendszeresen frissítsd az információkat.
- Mobilbarát weboldalak: A reszponzív design és a gyors betöltési idő kulcsfontosságú a mobilos felhasználók számára.
Előrejelzések a nulladik helyek jövőjére Magyarországon
A Google algoritmusai folyamatosan fejlődnek, így a nulladik helyek jelentősége tovább fog növekedni. Várható, hogy a következő években:
- Még több helyi keresési eredmény fog megjelenni: A helyi vállalkozások számára nagyobb verseny alakulhat ki a nulladik helyekért.
- Hangalapú keresések térnyerése: Az olyan eszközök, mint a Google Asszisztens vagy az Amazon Alexa, tovább növelik a zero-click keresések arányát.
- Mélyebb integráció az AI-alapú keresésekben: Az AI által generált tartalmak és a strukturált adatok kombinációja lesz az új trend.
Hogyan lehet felkészülni a változásokra?
- Folyamatos tanulás és tesztelés: Használj SEO-eszközöket, mint a SEMrush vagy az Ahrefs, hogy nyomon kövesd az algoritmusváltozásokat.
- Tartalomfrissítés: Rendszeresen aktualizáld a tartalmadat, hogy releváns maradjon a nulladik hely megszerzéséhez.
- Felhasználói élmény optimalizálása: Fókuszálj a gyors betöltési időre és a felhasználóbarát navigációra.
Cselekvési terv
5 lépés a nulladik hely megszerzéséhez
A nulladik hely megszerzése stratégiai tervezést igényel. Az alábbi lépések segítenek abban, hogy elérd ezt a kiemelt pozíciót:
1. Keyword research és kérdésalapú tartalom készítése
- Használj SEO-eszközöket, mint az Answer the Public vagy a Google Search Console, hogy azonosítsd a leggyakrabban keresett kérdéseket.
- Koncentrálj a long-tail kulcsszavakra, amelyek pontos válaszokat igényelnek, például „Hogyan működik a keresőoptimalizálás?”.
2. Tartalom strukturálása a Featured Snippets számára
- Írj tömör, lényegre törő válaszokat, majd részletezd a témát a cikk további részeiben.
- Használj listákat, táblázatokat és felsorolásokat, hogy a Google könnyen felismerje a tartalmat, mint kiemelt részletre alkalmas információt.
3. Strukturált adatok alkalmazása (Schema Markup)
- Implementálj JSON-LD sémát az oldaladba, hogy a Google jobban értelmezze a tartalmadat.
- Népszerű sémák: FAQ, How-To, Local Business.
- Példa: Egy magyar étterem esetében a nyitvatartás, menü és értékelések megjelenítése strukturált adatok segítségével.
4. Helyi SEO és Google My Business optimalizálás
- Töltsd ki részletesen a Google My Business profilodat, és győződj meg arról, hogy minden adat naprakész.
- Gyűjts pozitív értékeléseket, és válaszolj a visszajelzésekre.
- Frissíts rendszeresen képeket és információkat, például különleges ajánlatokról.
5. Mobilbarát weboldal és technikai SEO javítása
- Ellenőrizd a Core Web Vitals mutatókat, hogy a weboldalad gyorsan betöltődjön és zökkenőmentesen működjön minden eszközön.
- Biztosítsd, hogy az oldalad reszponzív legyen, és az összes tartalom mobilon is könnyen hozzáférhető.
Miért fontos a cselekvési terv?
A nulladik hely megszerzése nemcsak növeli a láthatóságot, hanem hosszú távon javítja a márka hitelességét és az organikus forgalmat. A fenti lépések alkalmazásával a weboldalad könnyebben elérheti ezt a pozíciót, miközben növeli a felhasználói élményt.